• info@djelibasolutions.com
  • +16144779617

A responsive web design automatically adapts to screens and windows of different sizes. With a responsive website, someone can browse your website from any device and it will always look and work great. A typical website is made up of a set of files (each web page - home page, about page, etc. - is an individual file). Each file contains HTML code and content (text and images). Web pages are styled with files called Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). To make it easier to explain, let's assume that a standard (non-responsive) website has a set of files and a few CSS files that govern the look of the site. A responsive website applies an alternate set of CSS files based on the device used to access the site. The site displays and “reacts” differently depending on the device.

PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, an internet marketing model in which advertisers pay a fee every time one of their advertisements is clicked. This is essentially a way to buy visits to your site, rather than trying to "earn" those visits organically.
One of the most popular forms of PPC is search engine advertising. It allows advertisers to bid for the placement of ads in the sponsored links of a search engine when an Internet user searches for a keyword related to their commercial offer.

Inbound marketing refers to marketing strategies such as content marketing, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media that attract or "pull" prospective clients/customers in at an exact moment of interest or intent. Inbound marketing strategies stand in sharp contrast to so-called "traditional" marketing strategies such as billboards, cold calling, direct mail, print, radio, tradeshows, TV, etc. that interrupt (often uninterested) people by pushing (typically unwanted) messages to them.

SEO works by making it easier for search engines to find your website, and recognize your site as both relevant and authoritative (given the search query). One of the number one complaints business owners have about SEO, and SEO companies are the lack of clarity with respect to what work is actually being done for the fees charged. Djeliba Solutions has a proven SEO process that is both straightforward and transparent.

Choosing the right keywords is a critically important aspect of an SEO campaign. Typically, it starts during the website audit process and continues through the duration of an ongoing SEO campaign. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks about your business the same way you do, so choosing the right keywords can be more difficult than you think! Djeliba Solutions has developed a number of special, proprietary keyword research and selection tools that, combined with our experience, make intelligently choosing the best keywords much easier than any alternative method we`ve found (and we've analyzed A LOT keyword research frameworks!).

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